Photo: Oriol Tarridas, Courtesy of CIFO
Mid-career Artist Award Recipient
Leidy Chávez and Fernando Pareja were both born in Popayan, Colombia, where they currently live and work. The Colombian-based duo studied Fine Arts at the Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Chávez and Pareja know how to stimulate the fascination of the audience with three dimensional animations, which shock the viewer with emotional, thoughtful and socio-political themes. Their artistic strategy does not respond to an exercise in nostalgia, but rather the interest in analyzing the current production of images and perspective of today, in addition they make the process of creating images, visible. Leidy Chávez and Fernando Pareja were nominated by Óscar Roldán-Alzate.
Photo courtesy of the artist.
A Look Inside:
Born │ Leidy- Colombia, 1984 | Fernando- Colombia, 1979
Education │ Leidy- Fine Arts. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. (2011).
Fernando- Fine Arts. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. (2011). | Architecture & Engineering. Colegio Mayor del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. (2011).
Awards │ Grants & Commissions Program Award (Mid- career artist). CIFO – Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation. Miami, Florida. (2016). | Best thesis award. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, MAC. Bogota, Colombia. (2012). | Thesis award. Universidad de Cauca. Popayán, Colombia. (2011). | Honorary mention. 7th Salón Nacional de Arte Diversidad. Bogotá, Colombia. (2008). | Honorary mention. III Concurso de Artes plásticas en el marco de Francia. Bogota, Colombia. (2007).
Selected Exhibitions │ Grants & Commissions Program Exhibition. CIFO – Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation. Miami, Florida. (2016). | Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. Wolfsburg, Germany. (2015). | Casa Daros. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2014). | I Bienal del Sur de Panamá, Centro de convenciones Figali. Panama, Panama. (2013) | 43rd National Artists Salon. Medellin, Colombia. (2013). | Kunstmuseum Bochum. Bochum, Germany. (2013). | ArtBo. Bogota, Colombia. (2012). | Museo la Tertulia. Cali, Colombia. (2012). | Museo de arte del Tolima. Ibague, Colombia. (2010).