Mid-Career Artist Award
Anna Linnemann (Rio de Janerio, 1955) is a Brazilian artist born and based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
According to the art critic Moacir dos Anjos, Linnemann’s work “is informed by a desire to pore carefully over many such things that inhabit the world, considering what is clearest about them and, simultaneously, what is that hides behind them (...)
”My work's existence is conditional upon a sort of a melting point, one in which meanings behave as if in a liquid state. The idea is always to adjust, within a single object, elements coming from unrelated fields of experience - such as my favorite pair of sneakers and slicing a potato - and to juggle the identity issues which this interplay engenders. Thus, by removing the viewer from the comfort of habit, to create an estrangement from everyday objects and activities”. – Ana Linnemann.
Photo courtesy of the artist
A Look Inside:
Born │
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 13th, 1955. Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
BA at PUC-RJ. MFA at Pratt Institute, in NY, where she resided from 1990-2006. Ph.D. in Visual Languages from Eba-UFRJ, RJ.
Awards and residencies│
In 2004, Linnemann received the fellowships Vitae (São Paulo) and the Pollock-Krasner (NY). In 2011, she received the award Pró-Artes Visuais from the Secretaria de Cultura from the city of Rio de Janeiro for the production of the monographic book “Ana Linnemann Ultra Normal” (CosacNaify). In 2013 she was granted with the prize Arte e Patrimônio, Iphan-MinC.
Selected Exhibitions│
“Gallery show + Notes on Practice”, Galeria Periscópio, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2017) | “Gallery Show” Galeria Luciana Caravello Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2015)| “Untitled (blue(s) and red(s))” Museu Chácara do Céu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2015) |"Cartoon, part 2” Centro Cultural Maria Antônia, São Paulo, Brazil (2012);“Cartoon” Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2011), among others.
“imanann”, Pivô Art & Research, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (2018) | “Lugares do Delirio”, Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2017); “Constelar”, Instituto Pró-saber, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2017) | “Feito poeira ao vento”, fotografia na coleção do MAR, Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2017) | “Aquilo que nos une” Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro Brazil (2016) | “Trio Bienal” Instituto Europeu de Design, IED, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2015) | “Encruzilhada” Galerias da Escola de Artes Visuais, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2015) | “Casa Cidade Mundo/A Beleza Possível” Centro Cultural Helio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2015) | “Único” Galeria Carbono, São Paulo, SP (2014) | “Tatu” Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2014) | “Cor, luz e movimiento” Prêmio Marcantônio Vilaça, Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2014) | “Exhibition Prêmio Arte e Patrimônio”, Paço imperial, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2014) | “Existem escolas que são asas e existem escolas que são gaiolas” Museu de Arte do Rio (2014), among others.